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Article: Cleaning And Maintaining Your Leather Wallet

Cleaning and maintaining your leather wallet
card holder

Cleaning And Maintaining Your Leather Wallet

Wingback wallets are made from vegetable-tanned leather that results in a beautiful, natural colour and finish. Use this guide to keep your leather product looking its best for the long haul.

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The leather we use to make our wallets, card holders, notebook covers and pen sleeves is not like any old leather. It is the gold standard.

Sourced from a family-run tannery in the Italian town of Santa Croce sull'Arno near Florence, it ages beautifully, yet slowly, without ever losing its shape. That means your Wingback will gradually mature as you do.

We want you to enjoy using our products for the long haul, so here are a few tips we've learnt along the way to keep them looking their best.

Follow these steps to clean and maintain your Wingback:

1. Regularly wipe away any dust or debris your Wingback picks up, using a soft, dry cloth.

2. Smooth out any scuffs or scratches with a soft cloth. They will develop into a rich patina over time. 

3. If your wallet gets wet, blot away any excess liquid and leave it to dry naturally.

4. Avoid over filling your wallet. Once misshapen, natural leather won't spring back to its original shape. Think: less is more. You can always add, but you can't take away.

5. Treat your Wingback 3-4 times a year with a good quality leather conditioner by applying a small amount and gently rubbing it in with a soft cloth. It will also help slightly tighten the leather in an old wallet.


Cleaning and maintaining your leather wallet - Wingback

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For more wear, care and breaking in instructions, visit our support section here.

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